Happy Thanksgiving everyone,
Another great week of serving at the Cove. For me it has been a week of hauling gravel and grading trails and roads. Its so great to be able to work with trucks and tractors! The ground is still not frozen so I am able to get a lot done. A cold wind has been blowing so we still have to dress warm, but it is certainly not unbearable. In fact, so far my asthma is actually doing better up here. Maybe we will have to consider spending all our winters in Wyoming, NOT! But we do love serving here at this sacred historical site.
I failed to thank some of the people who made our stay at home so enjoyable, and also, on our trip back. Alice Bridges for a great visit. Alice is always so positive and uplifting! Al Muncy and Jo Clow who share their time and friendship with golf and meals and looking after our business concerns. You guys are great! Adrienne Cox who is such a loyal and special friend. Never lose that positive attitude! Ross and Susan Johnson for taking time out of their busy missionary schedule to help us have a great time in Ohio. They are true friends! Lavar Short for providing me with a great down coat. I don't have his email, so would someone please pass my appreciation on to him! Audrey Rosenstein for being a good and generous friend and is in the running to be the World's best Mother. After raising her family has adopted six beautiful children. You're amazing! Roy and Bonnie Wilson for being our friends through thick and thin and always opening their home to us. Your friendship has no limits and we love your family too! Lorin and Dianne Leavitt who have opened their home to us and shown such amazing hospitality. Lorin is my nephew, but growing up he was more like a brother to me. And Dianne is the most positive and upbeat person I have ever met, besides giving World Class Hugs! Lanita (Pete) Brown for sharing our emails with our extended family. You're such a great asset to the Leavitt family! Maria Heaton for the great meal and the opportunity to speak to her seminary class. And thanks to my brothers and sisters and nieces and nephews for holding a get together while we were at home. Its so much fun seeing all of you, even though we got there late and missed some. (that was the day of my hospital episode) Keep getting together, its so important, that goes for the Leavitt Reunion also.
While at home I had the chance to visit a couple of times with my sister Irene who is confined to the Henderson Rehabilitation Center. Although she is down to about 80 some lbs and confined to bed, she is still very alert and coherent. I love this little sister dearly and she is always in our prayers. I would like to thank her husband Bob for being such a Christ-like example in his devotion to her. I would also like to encourage the family to take the time to visit her. I know she would really enjoy seeing you. The days can be very long when your confined. (Read Matthew 25: 34-40)
In the last couple of emails I know I've probably missed thanking some of you, but that certainly doesn't diminish our love and appreciation for you. We have the greatest friends and family in the world!
To our children and grandchildren, thank you for making our life so complete. We would ask you to love one another and put your trust in the Lord. Our love for you is great, but nothing in comparison to how much your Lord and Savior loves and can do for each of you.
Love Elder Leavitt
Hi Everyone --
I can hardly believe that it's Thanksgiving this week. This will be the first time we haven't been with family at Thanksgiving probably since we were married so, it will be very different experience. We will be serving the homeless at the Salvation Army on Thanksgiving Day along with the other Missionaries so we're all looking forward to that. We will have the "traditional" Thanksgiving meal the Sunday after Thanksgiving.
Not much to report this week --- our routine remains the same -- Charlie working on the trails and me working in the office. We stay busy so the time flies. One bright spot in this week was seeing Elder and Sister Johansen -- Missionaries with whom we served during the summer. They came by for a visit and left us a couple of turkeys and a ham. We plan to have the turkeys for our Thanksgiving celebration. It was wonderful seeing them -- we had a impromptu dinner and Sister Stastny fixed a delicious meatloaf and we all had a great time.
As Charlie as mentioned before, we have so many deer who "hang out" right close to our apartment and the Visitor's Center. There is one little deer - whose ear was damaged and there is a notch in it so the Missionaries have named her "Notch". She has become so tame that one of our Missionaries can feed her by hand.
I also send by best wishes to each of you and pray that you will all have a blessed Thanksgiving. Our family has certainly been blessed this year and we have so much we are thankful for, including our association and friendship with each of you.
Know we love you and will be thinking of you this week,
Emerald Talisman is Live!
4 days ago
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